beRSErc - Berlin Brandenburg RSE Regional Chapter

Welcome to the website for the berlin-brandenburg RSE regional chapter, the - you guessed it - regional chapter of de-RSE in Berlin and Brandenburg. beRSErc is an open group of people from the area who care about research software. We’re aiming at meeting regularly (monthly/bi-monthly frequency) in different locations.

Chat: Chat (Matrix/Element)

Meeting notes:

Contact: Stephan Druskat

Next meeting - Let’s go beRSErc!Permalink

  • n/a

Past meetingsPermalink

  • 2019-11-06, Berlin, Onionspace, talks by Carina Haupt (DLR) on “Research Software Engineering Guidelines at the Geman Aerospace Center” and Maximilian Dolling (GFZ) on “Software Engineering Guidelines at GFZ”
  • 2019-12-11, Berlin, Excellence Cluster Matters of Activity
  • 2020-02-25, Berlin, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Index of meetings documentsPermalink