Munich RSE Community
Our group is the place to meet other research software engineers in Munich. We aim for a meeting every two months, followed by dinner and networking.
Our meetings include short talks about anything related to RSE (research data management, software development, teaching/training, and more), as well as open discussions on topics brought into the agenda by any attendee.
A part of our group (with unfortunately many people missing) met at deRSE24. Photoshooting arranged by Maximilian Frank.
Next meeting: November 28, 2024 January 23, 2025, 17:00-18:45 at the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL), 7th floor (S-Bahn station: Laim).
- Talk by Raphael Ritz (MPCDF): The EOSC EU Node
- Talk by Gerasimos Chourdakis (Univ. Stuttgart / TUM): Standardization process and metadata in the preCICE ecosystem
Afterwards: Dinner together at Potlatsch.
Invitation / Meeting notes - Add yourself if you are planning to participate.
Past activity
- 2024-10-17: Fourth meeting in 2024, at LMU - Meeting notes
- Talk by Nafiseh Moti (LRZ): HPC I/O tracing, new patterns and challenges
- Talk by Michele Martone (LRZ): Lessons learned from organizing a Free Software Appreciation Day or Afternoon
- 2024-06-20: Third meeting in 2024, at LRZ - Meeting notes
- Talk by Ivan Pribec (LRZ): Introducing the Fortran-Lang community
- Talk by Friedrich Ulrich and Benjamin Farnbacher (TUM): Research Data Management in HPMC: Applications & Best Practices
- 2024-04-11: Second meeting in 2024, at LMU - Meeting notes
- Talk by Dominik Leipold (LMU): Digital Infrastructure and RSE for the Critical Edition of the Works of Richard Strauss
- Talk by Jonas Hagenberg (MPI of Psychiatry): The code club at the MPI of Psychiatry
- 2024-02-22: First meeting in 2024, at the Max Planck Digital Library - Meeting notes
- Talk by Benjamin Rodenberg (TUM): CodeOcean, Binder and Reproducible Python
- Talk by Björn Brötz (DLR): An open-source electronic laboratory notebook
- 2023-12-14: Fourth meeting in 2023, at LMU - Meeting notes
- Talk by Hendrik Ballhausen: Privacy Preserving Computation – how to collaborate without sharing data
- Talk by Michele Martone: The FIM (Fbi IMproved) image viewer and its development
- 2023-10-12: Third meeting in 2023, at LMU - Meeting notes
- Talk by Raphael Ritz: NFDI Jupyter Hub
- Talk by Michele Martone: Brief Basic Introduction in Semantic Patching with Coccinelle
- 2023-06-29: Second meeting in 2023, at LMU - Meeting notes
- Open discussion about DataCite and ways to cite software, the NFDI initiative and the RSE working group, the de-RSE Unconference, and the Digital Research Academy.
- 2023-03-15: First meeting in 2023, at LMU - Meeting notes
- Talk by Michael Franke: Software Management Plans
- Talk by Gerasimos Chourdakis: Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions in preCICE
- 2019-03-11: First attempt for a regular meeting / Stammtisch at a restaurant (continued for 1-2 more evenings)
- 2019-02-26: First Blog post about our group, following a meeting at LRZ
We organize ourselves mainly over the Mailing list and a Matrix channel. Definitely join us there to learn about upcoming events and other activities.
For questions regarding the group, feel free to contact, for example:
- Heidi Seibold
- Martin Spenger - LMU
- Gerasimos Chourdakis - TUM
Sprache: Um die Reichweite der Gruppe zu maximieren und mit Rücksicht auf die vielen nicht-deutschen Studenten, Doktoranden und Forscher in München, ist die Arbeitssprache der Gruppe Englisch. Natürlich bleibt Deutsch immer eine Option für die Diskussionen.