Munich RSE Community

Our group is the place to meet other research software engineers in Munich. We aim for a meeting every two months, followed by dinner and networking.

Our meetings include short talks about anything related to RSE (research data management, software development, teaching/training, and more), as well as open discussions on topics brought into the agenda by any attendee.

Photo of a part of the Munich RSE group at deRSE24 A part of our group (with unfortunately many people missing) met at deRSE24. Photoshooting arranged by Maximilian Frank.


Next meeting: June 20, 2024, 17:00-18:45 at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (Garching, U6: Garching-Forschungszentrum).


  • Talk by Ivan Pribec (LRZ): Introducing the Fortran-Lang community
  • Talk by Friedrich Ulrich and Benjamin Farnbacher (TUM): Research Data Management in HPMC: Applications & Best Practices

Afterwards: Dinner together at the Garnix festival.

Invitation / Meeting notes - Add yourself if you are planning to participate.

Past activity

  • 2024-04-11: Second meeting in 2024, at LMU - Meeting notes
    • Talk by Dominik Leipold (LMU): Digital Infrastructure and RSE for the Critical Edition of the Works of Richard Strauss
    • Talk by Jonas Hagenberg (MPI of Psychiatry): The code club at the MPI of Psychiatry
  • 2024-02-22: First meeting in 2024, at the Max Planck Digital Library - Meeting notes
    • Talk by Benjamin Rodenberg (TUM): CodeOcean, Binder and Reproducible Python
    • Talk by Björn Brötz (DLR): An open-source electronic laboratory notebook
  • 2023-12-14: Fourth meeting in 2023, at LMU - Meeting notes
    • Talk by Hendrik Ballhausen: Privacy Preserving Computation – how to collaborate without sharing data
    • Talk by Michele Martone: The FIM (Fbi IMproved) image viewer and its development
  • 2023-10-12: Third meeting in 2023, at LMU - Meeting notes
    • Talk by Raphael Ritz: NFDI Jupyter Hub
    • Talk by Michele Martone: Brief Basic Introduction in Semantic Patching with Coccinelle
  • 2023-06-29: Second meeting in 2023, at LMU - Meeting notes
  • 2023-03-15: First meeting in 2023, at LMU - Meeting notes
  • 2019-03-11: First attempt for a regular meeting / Stammtisch at a restaurant (continued for 1-2 more evenings)
  • 2019-02-26: First Blog post about our group, following a meeting at LRZ


We organize ourselves mainly over the Mailing list. Definitely join us there to learn about upcoming events and other activities.

For questions regarding the group, feel free to contact, for example:

Sprache: Um die Reichweite der Gruppe zu maximieren und mit Rücksicht auf die vielen nicht-deutschen Studenten, Doktoranden und Forscher in München, ist die Arbeitssprache der Gruppe Englisch. Natürlich bleibt Deutsch immer eine Option für die Diskussionen.

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