Teach research software engineering

Are teaching your own RSE courses? Are you trying to teach specific skills? These resources may help.

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CodeRefinery instructor training

CodeRefinery instructor training is focused on helping competent practitioners and experts teach their knowledge to others.

Competencies covered: DOCBB SWREPOS SRU SP

Visit CodeRefinery instructor training

ENCCS Best Practices in HPC Training

This ENCCS instructor training material is focused on helping competent practitioners and experts teach their knowledge to others. It also serves a kickstart to teaching ENCCS lessons.

Competencies covered:

Visit ENCCS Best Practices in HPC Training

Green Algorithms

The Green Algorithms project aims at promoting more environmentally sustainable computational science. It regroups calculators that researchers can use to estimate the carbon footprint of their projects, tips on how to be more environmentally friendly, training material, past talks etc.

Competencies covered: MOD SWLC NEW RC

Visit Green Algorithms


In addition to their own material, INTERSECT also provides a list of other RSE learning material.

Competencies covered:


Research Software Engineering with Python

An ebook that one can read from front to back, covering the shell and CLI tools, Git basics, Makefiles, Configuration files, as well as a bit of Teamwork, Testing, Error-Handling, and Packaging. The level is mostly basic (also for people that have barely any previous experience with programming), but covers a wide range of essential skills. While Python is in the name, this is not really required.

Competencies covered: DOCBB LIBS SWREPOS SRU TEAM PM

Visit Research Software Engineering with Python

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Responsible Computing

Teaching resources, publications and assignments for integrating ethics into computing curricula.

Competencies covered: TEACH TEAM USERS MOD SRU NEW

Visit Responsible Computing