Questions about the conference:
News are distributed via the mailing list, Twitter @RSE_de and of course
If you have a specific question, feel free to get in touch with the appropriate person as listed below.
Conference Chairs: Carina Haupt (DLR), Stephan Janosch (MPI-CPG)
- Logistics Team: Jan Dietrich (PIK), Cornelia Auer (PIK), Andrea Schwerdtfeger (GFZ), Antonia Cozacu (GFZ), Daniel Beiter (GFZ), Martin Hammitzsch (GFZ), Thomas Schneider von Deimling (AWI), Frederieke Miesner (AWI)
- Publicity and Website Chairs: Frank Löffler (Uni Jena), Stephan Druskat (HU Berlin), Stephan Janosch (MPI-CPG)
- Sponsorship Chair: Stephan Druskat (HU Berlin)
- Financial Chairs: Carina Haupt (DLR), Stephan Janosch (MPI-CPG)
- Volunteers Chairs: Thomas Schneider von Deimling (AWI), Frederieke Miesner (AWI)
- Social Chairs: Heidi Seibold (LMU München), Kaja Scheliga (HGF, Helmholtz Open Science Koordinationsbüro)