
deRSE19 has run from 4 to 6 June 2019. Below is a static version of the conference programme, with links to videos and slides where they exist.

The original programme schedule is here.

🎥 A video recording is available.
🖥 Slides (or other documents) are available.

4 June 2019

Opening session
Welcome to deRSE19
deRSE19 & de-RSE e.V. - Society for Research Software
Welcome from the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI)
Welcome from AWI
Welcome from PIK
Welcome from GFZ
Keynote: RSEs together - building networks, groups, organisations and careers
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Keynote: Building a Future with AI
Testing Research Software Sustainable long-living Software I Community Building Workshops Workshops Workshops
Challenges for Verifying and Validating Scientific Software in Computational Materials Science Lebensverlängernde Maßnahmen für Fortran-Codes
Building research software communities
Jupyter: Interactive visualizations in Python and C++ Developing for the Cloud - Azure Notebook, DevOps, Cognitive Services, VM and DataBricks Libraries (the brick and mortar type) for Research Software & Engineers
The Quest For Better Tests In Scientific Computing
Entwicklung der Forschungssoftware RCE im DLR
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Building scientific communities - Lessons learned with AIRR
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Decentralized software development facilitating CI/CD to produce high quality, open-source code in a European metrological joint research project
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Softwareentwicklung zwischen Forschungscode und Industriereleases
Building a healthy and vibrant volunteer driven community: The Bio-IT project
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    Help me help you
Software Quality Management Sustainable long-living Software II Institutional RSE Communities I Workshops Workshops Workshops
The art of giving and receiving code reviews
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Die Hard 1.1024.0: backward compatibility of a search engine with persistant IDs
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“HIFIS Software Services“, das Competence Cluster für eine nachhaltige Softwareentwicklung in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
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Agiles Software Engineering für lokale Teams mit Scrum, eine Einführung Frauen in der Entwicklung von Forschungssoftware Restructuring Scientific Software using Semantic Patching with Coccinelle
Develop, License, Test, Curate - Mathematical Optimization In The Real World
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Challenges and Opportunities of Open-Source Software: the case of SU2
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Rahmenbedingungen für einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Forschungssoftware am Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam - Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
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GitLab pipelines for every need: testing, documentation, and writing a paper
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New Approaches towards User Research and Software Architecture in Research Software Engineering: A Humanities Example
Eine virtuelle Werkstatt für die Digitalisierung in den Wissenschaften

5 June 2019

Opening session
Keynote: Sustainable Research Software – as Code, as Paper, as Book
Keynote: Delivering on the promise of Research Computing
Software Engineering Productivity Reproducibility I Research Data Management Workshops BoFs
Optimizing Developer Productivity in Endangered Language Documentation Apps Curious Containers: Framework zur Reproduzierbarkeit von digitalen Experimenten
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Evaluation of the semantic research data management system CaosDB in glaciology
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Herausforderungen für die nachhaltige Entwicklung, Bereitstellung und Pflege von Forschungssoftware in Deutschland
FAIR Software
ediarum - from bottom-up to generic programming
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Portable Container zum Entwickeln, Erstellen, Verteilen und Ausführen von komplexer wissenschaftlicher Software
How to save a scientist’s career with data classes
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Debian Astro - A “Debian Pure Blend” for Astronomy and Astrophysics
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Integrierte Entwicklungs- und Publikationsumgebung für Forschungssoftware und Daten am Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)
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Linking biological data using data science and cross-disciplinary software development
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    Against Schematisation – Mapping the Choreographic Vector Space
Research Software Frameworks Reproducibility II Institutional RSE Communities II Workshops BoFs
Automated Deadline-Based Scaling of Experiments in the Cloud with MiCADO
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Data mining made easy, reproducible and open-source
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Kollaborationsmodelle für Softwareentwicklung an der HU Herausforderungen für die nachhaltige Entwicklung, Bereitstellung und Pflege von Forschungssoftware in Deutschland (cont.)
GitLab selbst betreiben: Wie sind die Erfahrungen? Wie ermöglichen wir Kooperation mit Externen?
Parallel-in-Time integration with PFASST: from prototyping to applications
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Reproducibility of Particle-In-Cell Simulations in Plasma Physics Empfehlungen für bessere Forschungssoftware
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Software for autonomous astronomical observatories
Common Workflow Language (CWL)-based software pipeline for de novo genome assembly from long- and short-read data
Zwischen Digital und Humanities
xtensor: A n-dimensional container for C++
Generation of a wrapper library for MPI - MeDiPack
Experience with Simulation Software Towards Open Research Software Splinter meetings Splinter meetings
Insight Earth System Models Von Closed zu Open Source
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RSE4NFDI – Nachhaltigkeit von Forschungssoftware in der nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) Deutschland Anforderungen, Wünsche und Erfahrungen für den Aufbau des HIFIS Competence Clusters „Software Services“ in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
PALM – a story of developing and maintaining a scientific model system
Forschungssoftware als digitale Ressource erhalten
How to build a modern particle based CFD framework for both - Industry and Science Neukonzeption des DLR Software-Katalogs
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ESM-TOOLS: A Software Tool for Earth System Modelling Scientists
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Poster session
Poster Lightning Talks
Poster Session & Geo BoF

6 June 2019

User Interfaces Communication and Outreach Workshops BoFs
GUI-Architektur für interaktive Datenanalyse
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The Research Software Engineering Landscape in Germany
Entwicklung von Policies und Richtlinien für Forschungssoftware Organisation von lokalen und regionalen RSE Chapters
NICOS - ein Steuerungsframework für Großforschungsgeräte
RSE 2.0
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Umsetzung effizienter plattformunabhängiger App-Entwicklung in einer bestehenden Forschungssoftware-Landschaft
Research Software Network for the Digital Humanities    
  Development of research software at DLR - role and status in practice
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Panels Workshops BoFs Workshops
Paneldiskussion “Nachhaltigkeit von Forschungssoftware in Deutschland” (in German) Entwicklung von Policies und Richtlinien für Forschungssoftware (cont.) Organisations- und Projektmanagementmetoden in Forschungssoftwareentwicklungsprojekten Cost Effective Research Leveraging AWS Spot
Closing Session
Closing Session